Edmund Ahwetor

Edmund Ahwetor


When you sponsor a child, you are investing in their life. You are stopping poverty from robbing their futures, and allowing them to learn, grow, pursue their dreams, and realize their full potential. Sponsor a child, change the world.

SKU: BOHF-0002 Category:

Child Information

Edmund Ahwetor is 16 years old and would like to become a lawyer. His favorite subjects in school are mathematics and English, and loves to read when he has free time.

Edmund is from Asante Bekwai, in Ghana’s Ashanti Region, and lives with his mother and two siblings in Ablekuma, a low-income community in Ghana’s capital city, Accra. Edmund’s father passed away in 2014, leaving him and his siblings fatherless, and his newly widowed and unemployed mother without an income. Life is now very difficult for Edmund and his family, and he sometimes has to sell various items on the streets in order to collect enough money to stay enrolled in school.

Through a sponsorship, you can help keep Edmund off the street. You can give him the opportunity to attend school, focus upon his education, and pursue his dreams.


Additional Information

Sponsorship Option

Annual ($360.00), Monthly ($30.00)

Transition Deposit

One-time, Non-Refundable $150.00

Sponsorship Duration

BOHF requires that all sponsors commit to a minimum of one year of sponsorship.

Terms & Conditions

Please visit our Sponsorship Guidelines and Child Sponsorship pages for additional information.